Carer Visa Australia 2025 (Subclass 836/116) – Introductory Guide

Carer Visa Australia Introduction

Carer Visa lets individuals to live in Australia permanently and provide care to their relatives, the partner or member of their relatives in Australia who are suffering from a long term or permanent medical conditions.

Pursuant to the information released by the Department, this visa enables you to

  • Permanently stay in Australia
  • work and study in Australia
  • enrol in Australia’s public health care scheme, Medicare
  • sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
  • travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

There are two subclasses of Carer Visa, the only difference between the two visas is whether you are inside or outside Australia during the Carer Visa Application process.

Carer visa (subclass 836) be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when the Department grant your application
Carer visa (subclass 116) be outside Australia when you apply and when the Department decide your application

Based on current planning levels and the allocation of the majority of Other Family category places to Carer visa applications, Department of Home Affairs estimates that Carer visa applications that meet the criteria to be queued are likely to take approximately 7 years to be released for final processing.

Despite appearing straightforward on the surface, applying for a Carer Visa is a stringent process and requiring caution and thoroughness all the way through. A small mistake can be very costly and delay the visa.

A sponsor is required to obtain this visa. According to the information from the Department:

Carer Visa Australia Sponsor

A sponsor is required to obtain this visa. According to the information from the Department:

Carer Visa Subclass 116, this person must be:

  • relative who requires care and assistance or
  • member of the relative who lives with them

Carer Visa Subclass 836, this person must be:

  • relative who requires care and assistance,
  • the spouse or de factor partner of the relative who lives with them

The relative must be your

  • partner
  • child
  • parent
  • brother
  • sister
  • grandparent
  • grandchild
  • aunt
  • uncle
  • niece or
  • nephew (or step-equivalent).

The definition of the Spouse is stated in Migration Act1958 (Cth) section 5F:

  • married to each other
  • have a mutual commitment to a shared life as a married couple and
  • genuine and continuing relationship       
  • live together or
  • do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis.

The definition of the de facto is stated in Migration Act1958 (Cth) section 5CB:

  1. not in a married relationship
  2. have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others; and
  3. the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; and
  4. live together; or
  5. do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis; and
  6. not related by family

The Spouse must be married
In most cases, the sponsor must be an:

  • Australian citizen
  • Permanent resident or
  • Eligible New Zealand citizen and
  • Over 18 years.

If you are applying for this visa so you can assist your relative care for a member of their family, they must both live in the same house.

Carer Visa Australia Checklist

The applicant must provide the following:

  • Passport or other travel document
  • Health requirements
  • Character requirements
  • Undertaking signed by the sponsor to affirm you support, accommodation and financial assurance for 2 years after you arrive in Australia
  • Sign an Australian Values Statement and read the Life in Australia book before you the document and
  • No outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to Australian Government

Health requirements

Your relative’s medical condition (or that of a member of their family unit) must be assessed by Bupa Medical Visa Services before the Department can decide your visa application.

At the end of assessment, the centre will determine:

  • a rating or score based on the Impairment Tables provided by the Department of Human Services
  • the extent of their ability such as eating, dressing, hygiene, mobility, for at least the next two years
  • the type of assistance required to manage those needs.

Please note that the current minimum threshold rating is 30.

Carer Visa Australia Application Process

Carer Visa Subclass 116 and 836

Step 1: You must complete and apply the visa on paper (Form 470F)

Step 2: You must provide the Department with your Bupa medical certificate and it must be within 3 months

Step 3: The Department will notify you with your visa outcome in writing

Carer Visa Australia Cost

From AUD2115(Update date:2025.01)

Carer Visa Australia Processing Time

As at 28 February 2025, DHA has released the following applications for final processing:

  • Carer visa applications with a queue date up to 31 July 2023
  • Remaining Relative visa applications with a queue date of up to 28 February 2013
  • Aged Dependent Relative visa applications with a queue date up to 28 February 2013.​

Carer Visa Australia Frequently Asked Question

What if my Carer Visa is refused?

You will be informed of reasons for the refusal and of your appeal rights to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

What happens when I have this visa?


You should check the visa conditions, work and study entitlements in VEVO.

You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want for 5 years from the date the visa is granted.

If you want to travel after 5 years, you need to apply a Resident Return RRV to re-enter Australia


You can work without restrictions.

Bringing a family member

You might be able to sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia.

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