We recently successfully represented our client to a MRT appeal of a refusal of a carer visa. Our client was suffering from a number of medical conditions and wanted her son to care for her. The Department originally refused the application because they were not convinced that her son would act as a carer or that the client couldn’t go to an Australian nursing home. We attended the Migration Review Tribunal and represented the client’s case to the member, addressing all of the Tribunal Member’s concerns in turn.

After the hearing, we made additional submissions in writing, arguing strongly that the client met all of the requirements for the grant of a carer visa. We successfully were able to prove that the facilities that our client could access were too expensive or were not suitable for an elderly Chinese woman who could not speak English. This meant that the client was refunded the fee of the Migration Review Tribunal and her son will soon be in Australia to assist in caring for her medical needs and helping her in her day to day life.
*Not their real names