General Description

ACCOUNTING CLERKS monitor creditor and debtor accounts, undertake related routine documentation, and calculate and investigate the cost of wages, materials, overheads and other operating costs.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 4

In Australia the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • AQF Certificate II or III (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

In New Zealand the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • NZQF Level 2 or 3 qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)

At least one year of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Task Information

  • preparing and processing documentation related to accounts payable and receivable
  • reconciling invoices and despatching payments
  • calculating, analysing and investigating the costs of proposed expenditure, wages and standard costs
  • preparing bank reconciliations
  • allocating expenditure to specified budget accounts
  • summarising expenditure and receipts
  • preparing records of standard costs and values for items such as raw materials and packaging supplies
  • recording cost variations and contract price movements
  • compiling cost data for preparation of operating budgets, and profit and loss calculations
  • investigating the costs of proposed expenditures, quotations and estimates
  • preparing reports of total costs, inventory adjustments, selling prices and profits
  • may work in a call centre

Occupations in this group:


Alternative Title: Accounts Payable or Receivable Clerk
Monitors creditor and debtor accounts, and undertakes related routine documentation. May work in a call centre.

Specialisations: Audit Clerk、Investment Accounting Clerk

(2)551112 COST CLERK
Calculates and investigates the cost of wages, materials, overheads and other operating expenses.

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