LEGISLATORS - Unit Group 1113

General Description

LEGISLATORS represent the interests of people in constituencies as elected members of national, state and territory parliaments and local government authorities.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 1

In Australia and New Zealand, the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • A level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.
  • At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification.

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Task Information

  • developing national, state, territory or local government policy, and formulating, amending and repealing legislation and by-laws
  • helping constituents with a range of problems particularly with regard to matters concerning government and local agencies
  • investigating matters of concern to the public and to particular persons and groups
  • introducing proposals for government action and representing public and electoral interests
  • issuing policy directions to government departments and exercising control over local government authorities
  • attending community functions and meetings of local groups to provide service to the community, gauge public opinion and provide information on government plans
  • may serve as a member on parliamentary committees and inquiries
  • may present petitions on behalf of concerned groups

Occupations in this group:


Alternative Titles: Alderman、Councillor
Represents the interests of people in a constituency as their elected member of a local government authority.

Specialisations: Community Board Member (NZ)、Mayor


Alternative Title: Parliamentarian
Represents the interests of people in a constituency as their elected member to national, state or territory parliament.

Specialisations: Chief Minister、Government Minister、Member of the Legislative Assembly、Member of the Legislative Council、Premier、Prime Minister、Senator

This occupation group covers Legislators not elsewhere classified.

Occupations in this group include: Aboriginal Community Council Member、Councillor, Aboriginal Land Council

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