General Description

MODELS AND SALES DEMONSTRATORS wear and display clothing and accessories and pose for art and photography, and demonstrate goods at commercial premises, exhibitions and private homes.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 5

In Australia the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

In New Zealand the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • NZQF Level 1 qualification, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

For some occupations a short period of on-the-job training may be required in addition to or instead of the formal qualification. In some instances no formal qualification or on-the-job training may be required.

Task Information

  • modelling garments, footwear and fashion accessories for customers, sales personnel and fashion designers
  • posing for television, video and cinema commercials and for still photographs which appear in magazines, newspapers, catalogues and on billboards
  • posing as subjects for paintings, sculptures and other types of art
  • setting up displays and demonstrating goods to commercial customers and guests in private homes
  • answering questions and offering advice on the use of goods
  • selling goods or directing purchasers to sales counters
  • undertaking merchandising of goods in retail outlets and ensuring there is adequate stock attractively presented for sale
  • taking orders and making arrangements for payment, delivery and collection
  • offering sample goods and distributing catalogues and other literature advertising goods for sale

Occupations in this group:

(1)639111 MODEL
Wears and displays clothing and accessories, and poses for photographs, paintings, sculptures and other types of art.


Alternative Title: Merchandiser
Displays and demonstrates goods at commercial premises, exhibitions and private homes.

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