General Description

LIBRARIANS develop, organise and manage library services such as collections of information, recreational resources and reader information services.

Teacher-Librarians are excluded from this unit group. Teacher-Librarians are included in Minor Group 241 School Teachers.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 1

In Australia and New Zealand, the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • A level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing may be required.

Task Information

  • developing and implementing library and information policies and services
  • examining publications and materials, interviewing publishers\' representatives, and consulting with others to select library materials
  • reviewing, evaluating and modifying services in response to user needs
  • providing assistance to clients in accessing library resources
  • managing library systems for recording and organising library holdings, acquisitions and purchases, reader registrations and loan transactions, and supervising indexing, filing and retrieval activities
  • managing inter-library loan systems and information networks
  • undertaking information research activities on behalf of clients
  • selecting, ordering, classifying and cataloguing library and information resources
  • monitoring collection development and culling programs
  • supervising and training other library staff
  • may plan and direct library promotion and outreach activities

Occupation in this group:

Develops, organises and manages library services such as collections of information, recreational resources and reader information services. Registration or licensing may be required.

Specialisations: Acquisitions Librarian、Audiovisual Librarian、Bibliographer、Cataloguer、Children\'s Librarian、Corporate Librarian、Legal Librarian、Multicultural Services Librarian、Parliamentary Librarian、Reference Librarian、Special Librarian、Special Needs Librarian

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