General Description

SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS diagnose and treat internal human disorders and diseases using specialist testing, diagnostic and medical techniques. Medical Registrars training as Specialist Physicians are included in this unit group.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 1

In Australia and New Zealand, the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • A level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification, two years hospital-based training.
  • At least five years specialist study and training (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing is required.

Task Information

  • examining patients to determine the nature and extent of problems after referral from General Medical Practitioners and other medical specialists, and undertaking laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures
  • analysing test results and other medical information to make diagnoses
  • prescribing and administering drugs, and remedial and therapeutic treatment and procedures
  • recording medical information and data
  • reporting specified contagious and notifiable diseases to government health and immigration authorities
  • may admit or refer patients to hospitals
  • may consult other medical specialists

Occupations in this group:

Investigates and diagnoses internal human disorders and diseases, and administers treatment. Registration or licensing is required.

Investigates, diagnoses and treats diseases of the human heart. Registration or licensing is required.

Investigates and diagnoses blood and other genetic disorders by studying cellular composition of blood and blood-producing tissues. Registration or licensing is required.


Alternative Title: Medical Oncology Physician
Investigates, diagnoses and treats patients with cancer using chemotherapy and biological therapy. Registration or licensing is required.
Gynaecological, Radiation and Surgical Oncologists are excluded from this occupation. Gynaecological Oncologists are included in Unit Group 2539 Other Medical Practitioners, in Occupation 253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Radiation Oncologists are included in Unit Group 2539 Other Medical Practitioners, in Occupation 253918 Radiation Oncologist. Surgical Oncologists are included in Unit Group 2535 Surgeons, in Occupation 253511 Surgeon (General).

Investigates, diagnoses and treats disorders of the human glandular and hormonal systems. Registration or licensing is required.

Specialisation: Diabetologist

Investigates, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders of the human liver, stomach and associated organs. Registration or licensing is required.


Alternative Titles: Intensive Care Medicine Specialist、Intensivist
Investigates, diagnoses and treats patients in need of intensive and critical care. Registration or licensing is required.

Investigates, diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries of the human brain, spinal cord, nervous system and muscle tissue. Registration or licensing is required.

Investigates, diagnoses and treats internal diseases and disorders in children from birth up to, and including, adolescence. Registration or licensing is required.

Specialisations: Neonatologist、Paediatric Thoracic Physician


Alternative Titles: Nephrologist、Renal Medicine Physician
Investigates, diagnoses and treats disorders of the human kidney. Registration or licensing is required.

Investigates, diagnoses and treats diseases, injuries and deficiencies of human joints, muscles and soft tissue. Registration or licensing is required.


Alternative Titles: Respiratory Medicine Physician、Thoracic Medicine Physician
Investigates, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders of the human respiratory system. Registration or licensing is required.

Specialisations: Pulmonary Specialist、Respiratory Physician

This occupation group covers Specialist Physicians not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing is required.

Occupations in this group include: Clinical Allergist、Clinical Geneticist、Clinical Immunologist、Clinical Pharmacologist、Geriatrician、Infectious Diseases Physician、Musculoskeletal Physician (NZ)、Occupational Medicine Physician、Palliative Medicine Physician、Public Health Physician、Rehabilitation Medicine Physician、Sexual Health Physician、Sleep Medicine Physician

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