Please ensure you have read and understood the nomination requirements before preparing the evidence listed below.
- The documents listed below will be required to be uploaded during the online application process and before an application can be finalized as lodged.
- Migration Tasmania may also contact you for additional documents if required and also directly contact people and organizations you have listed to confirm information such as educational institutes, employers, and real estate agents
- It is important that you ensure all documentation provided is current, up-to-date, and genuine. In the event that documentation is found to be false or fraudulent an application will be declined and details may also be passed on to other agencies such as the Department of Home Affairs for further investigation.
- For more efficient processing of your application, we suggest you combine all similar documents and upload them as one PDF document. For example all bank statements as one document, all rental agreements as one document, and all payslips as one document.
- Please refer to this Home Affairs link for occupations of people for any documents that require to be ‘signed and witnessed’

There are 3 groups of documents to upload:
- ESSENTIAL (required for all applications);
- CATEGORY SPECIFIC (required depending on your choice of nomination category); and
- ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING (other miscellaneous documents).
- Passport (Bio-Data page)
please note: this document is no longer needed to be signed and witnessed (the online application form will be updated accordingly)
- SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI)
including your personal/education/employment details as submitted
- Skills Assessment
as received by the relevant assessing body
- English Language Report
English proficiency test result – must be dated within the last three years
– if you hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, United States of America, or Republic of Ireland please attach a ‘blank’ pdf
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume
- Declaration of Financial Capacity
signed and witnessed
You must have access to funds to support your settlement while you are securing employment in Tasmania. If you have not already secured employment in Tasmania, you need to be realistic about employment expectations once you arrive in the state as it can take six months or longer to secure employment. Your ability to secure employment quickly will depend on your research of the Tasmanian labor market and the relevance of your skillset and experience to the market.
- Commitment to Tasmania Statement
a 1 page summary of why you wish to live in Tasmania, include the following points:
– why Tasmania’s lifestyle suits your way of life more than other places in Australia
– include evidence that you have personally researched and understood Tasmania’s lifestyle and attractions
– avoid using statements that are obviously copied from other sources (and not written in your own words)
– if your spouse/partner (if applicable) intends to work, their skills and experience, evidence that they have also researched employment opportunities in Tasmania, and they are satisfied to be successful in attaining employment
– if you have studied or lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months indicate why you want to re-settle in Tasmania
– if your spouse/partner or any dependents have studied or lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months indicate whether they will be moving with you to the state, and if not, why not
Group 2-CATEGORY SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS (also required):
Category 1: TASMANIAN GRADUATE (Subclass 491)
- Current Visa Grant Notice
including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)
- Tasmanian Qualifications
Academic transcript and a completion letter
- Any other Australian Qualifications
Academic transcript(s) and a completion letter(s)
- Bank Transaction Statements
showing daily activities in Tasmania (12 months if applying for Subclass 491)
- Evidence of Living in Tasmania
showing daily activities in Tasmania(rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations)
- Travel Itinerary
(Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania)
- Signed Employment Contract
if working (if not working please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)
- Employability Statement
this statement should include current job adverts and explain how your study, along with your previous skills and experience will enable you to settle in and contribute to Tasmania (if not currently employed (if working please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)
- Career Plan
this document should explain your longer-term career intentions beyond the next 2-3+ years (more specific guidance for Tasmanian Graduates can be found on our International Student Graduates page
Category 2: WORKING IN TASMANIA (Subclass 491)
- Current Visa Grant Notice
including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)
- Bank Transaction Statements
showing daily activities (since the date of arrival in Tasmania)
- Evidence of Living in Tasmania
rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations
- Travel Itinerary
Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania
- Signed Employment Contract/Letter of Offer
- Payslips
6 months immediately prior to application submission
- Evidence that pay and conditions no less favorable
This can be demonstrated by:
– reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
– Job Outlook information
– Market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides
– advertisements from the last six months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
– remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
– written advice from unions or employer associations
Category 3A: OVERSEAS TSOL (Subclass 491)
- Invitation Letter from Migration Tasmania via SkillSelect
- Employability Statement
The evidence must include:
– personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to the nominated occupation (5-8 advertisments required and no older than 6 weeks before application submission).
You must include copies of the full advertisement that show the date of the advert and location (website links are not sufficient and will be considered as requirement not met)
– an employment statement for each advertisement explaining how your qualifications, knowledge, and experience relate to and meet the requirements for each submitted job advertisement (simply stating you meet the requirements is not sufficient)
– job advertisements must be relevant to the nominated occupation; for example:
* if the nominated occupation is a Real Estate Agent we will not accept jobs for Property Manager
* if the nominated occupation is HR Advisor we will not accept jobs for recruitment consultants
* if the nominated occupation is for a manager, we will not accept assistant, support, or junior positions
- Settlement Statement
1 page written summary to demonstrate that you have researched the cost of living in Tasmania and understand the settlement costs involved while you seek employment
The evidence must include:
– the estimated cost of living in Tasmania, including rent, food, transport, and entertainment
– the estimated cost of relocation to Tasmania in Australian Dollars, including but not limited to: flights; freight; and initial accommodation
– the estimated cost of living in Tasmania for you and any dependants, in Australian Dollars
Category 3B: OVERSEAS JOB OFFER (Subclass 491)
- Job/Position Advertisement
actual copy of advert, not a website link
- Recruitment Communications
dated email/phone evidence of all correspondence with Employer
- Signed Employment Contract/Letter of Offer
- Evidence that pay and conditions no less favourable
This can be demonstrated by:
– reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
– Job Outlook information
– Market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides
– advertisements from the last six months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
– remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
– written advice from unions or employer associations
- Recruitment Agency Information
all correspondence and contact details if employment secured through an agency (if not please attach a ‘blank’ pdf)
Category 4: FAMILY IN TASMANIA (Subclass 491)
- Current Visa Grant Notice of applicant
if not applicable please attach a ‘blank’ pdf
- Family Statutory Declaration
signed and witnessed
- Letter of Support from sponsoring Tasmanian family member
no more than 1 page
- Birth Certificate of Main Applicant
signed and witnessed
- Birth Certificate of Sponsoring Family Member
signed and witnessed
- Australian Permanent Residency/Citizenship Certificate of Tasmanian family member
if born overseas
- Bank Transaction Statements
showing daily activities of sponsoring Tasmanian family member (12 months)
- Residential evidence of sponsoring Tasmanian family member
12 months of council rates or utility bills
Category 5: SMALL BUSINESS OWNER (Subclass 491)
- Current Visa Grant Notice
including any bridging visa notice or AAT or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not sufficient)
- Evidence of Living in Tasmania
rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations
- Travel Itinerary
Airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary of permanent arrival in Tasmania
- Business Registration and Operational evidence
ABN/ASIC Certificate
- Business Bank Transaction Statements
6 months of most recent operations
- Business Profit & Loss Statement
6-12 months
- Business Plan
details on how to draft a business plan can be found on the Business Tasmania website.
Include in your business plan details of:
– evidence of thorough research into, and understanding of the target market
– research and understanding of relevant industry conditions, licensing and/or registration requirements for the business in Tasmania
– realistic market opportunities for the proposed business in Tasmania, particularly where the business would be competing with other similar existing businesses already established in Tasmania
– how your previous experience and qualifications will help you successfully build your business in Tasmania over at least the next 3-5 years.
- Organizational Chart
job titles only with an indication of ‘full-time’ or ‘part-time’
- Photo evidence of business location and operations
10-12 photos
- Marketing and Promotion
website information, operational hours, ongoing marketing plans
- Evidence of completion of Fair Work Ombudsman online learning modules
Below are some additional documents you can provide during the online application process.
- Labour Market Testing (LMT) report
REQUIRED only if applying under Subclass 491 ‘Working in Tasmania’ category and position is ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5
The following needs to be included:
– evidence that your employer has made a genuine effort to recruit locals (Australian citizens/permanent residents) but were unsuccessful.
Please include copies of the advertisements your employer has posted on open-to-public platforms, such as University of Tasmania Career hub, Tasmanian vocational institutions, Jobactive, local newspapers, and from online sources or social media
– a selection report including information on applications received and why no local applicants were suitable for the position as well as details and expenses of any advertising the employer conducted.
There is no prescribed format for this report, however, it is important that all of the points above are covered. If this evidence does not accompany your nomination application or is insufficient, it will be refused
- Outstanding Tasmanian Debts/Payment Plan summary
REQUIRED if you have an outstanding debt
signed and witnessed
- Declaration of Nomination Obligations
if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent
- Form 956
if the application has been submitted by a Migration Agent
- Tasmanian Drivers’ License
- Volunteer Certificates and evidence
- Current Employment Reference Letter
- Adult Dependent’s Passport
Bio-Data page
- Adult Dependent’s Resume
- Dependent Child/Children Passports
Bio-Data pages
- Adult Dependent’s Skills Assessment
if available
- Adult Dependent’s Employment Contract
if currently employed in Tasmania
- Other Educational Qualifications
achieved overseas