What is the NSW student arrival pilot plan?
As of late December 2021, the New South Wales’ government will work with higher education providers and the wider sector to begin allowing 250 international students holding a student (subclass 500) visa to return to on campus studies per fortnight. This will require 14-day quarantine and chartered flights. NSW is initiating this staggered return policy to ensure proper quarantine and to minimise risk of covid-19 as of NSW public health orders and the national transition plan. Upon the successful initial return plan, this will be expanded to allow for a greater number of international students who remain offshore to return to NSW safely.

Who is eligible?
Students who are currently enrolled in an established New South Wale’s university or other higher education provider and hold a valid student (subclass 500) visa, must be vaccinated with a therapeutic goods administration (TGA) recognised vaccine as per NSW health and Australian Government requirements. Students who are invited for the initial pilot plan to return to NSW will be contacted directly by their education providers.
Is this included in the weekly cap of those returning to NSW?
No, although the NSW government will prioritise Australian citizens and residents. Due to the Covid-19 pandemics effect on international students the government will oversee the return of students with their own cap of 250 students per fortnight.
Who will the responsibility of cost be on?
Educational providers and international students will share the cost of travel back to Australia. Upon contacting those who have been invited to return to NSW, educational providers will inform students on costs, obligations and requirements.
What will be offered on campus?
In accordance with the national transition plan, the covid safe arrangements will offer as follows:
- Tutorials
- Workshops
- Libraries
- Practical requirements
Online courses will remain to be offered to those who are unable to return to NSW for the duration of 2023.
How will covid risk be managed?
NSW is committed to a safe-return scheme that is above almost anywhere else in the world for international students and avows a “positive and lifechanging experience” for the duration of their studies. The staggered return starting at 250 students per fortnight in December ensures quarantine is properly managed and governed for successful minimisation of covid.
Can International students who remain onshore return home and come back under the pilot plan?
No, the aim of the pilot program is to return offshore international students to NSW. Border restrictions for international travels remain in place. International students who remained in NSW will be unable travel home and return to Australia under commonwealth government legislation. Visit the Department of Home Affairs for updates and any developments on leaving Australia.
Why is the reintroduction of international students important?
38% of international students in Australia, chose to study in NSW. The safe return of international students is crucial for the NSW economy. International students supported 95,000 full time jobs before the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, an estimated five billion dollars has been lost in the NSW economy.
Applying for a new student (subclass 500)
No, the student return pilot plan is for currently enrolled students holding student (subclass 500) visa and is separate to new student applications. To apply for a student (subclass 500) visa, you must have first been accepted into the educational provider and course in which you are wanting to study in NSW. Read more information on student (subclass 500) visa including eligibility, checklists, application cost, processing time and frequently asked questions via: https://ausimmi.com.au/500-visa/
Where will updates on return be?
Stay up to date on the student arrival pilot plan via Study NSW, where information on the stages of return for international students are regularly updated.