General Description

HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS plan, develop, implement and evaluate staff recruitment, assist in resolving disputes by advising on workplace matters, and represent industrial, commercial, union, employer and other parties in negotiations on issues such as enterprise bargaining, rates of pay and conditions of employment.

Indicative Skill Level

ANZSCO Skill Level: 1

In Australia and New Zealand, the majority of occupations in this unit group have:

  • A level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.
  • At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. 

In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Task Information

  • arranging for advertising of job vacancies, interviewing and testing of applicants, and selection of staff
  • maintaining personnel records and associated human resource information systems
  • providing advice and information to management on workplace relations policies and procedures, staff performance and disciplinary matters
  • arranging the induction of staff and providing information on conditions of service, salaries and promotional opportunities
  • receiving and recording job vacancy information from employers such as details about job description, wages and conditions of employment
  • providing information on current job vacancies in the organisation to employers and job seekers
  • undertaking negotiations on terms and conditions of employment, and examining and resolving disputes and grievances
  • studying and interpreting legislation, awards, collective agreements and employment contracts, wage payment systems and dispute settlement procedures
  • developing, planning and formulating enterprise agreements or collective contracts such as productivity-based wage adjustment procedures, workplace relations policies and programs, and procedures for their implementation
  • overseeing the formation and conduct of workplace consultative committees and employee participation initiatives

Occupations in this group:


Alternative Title: Human Resource Consultant
Provides staffing and personnel administration services in support of an organisation\'s human resource policies and programs.

Specialisations: Personnel Officer、Workforce Planning Analyst


Alternative Title: Employment Consultant
Interviews applicants to determine their job requirements and suitability for particular jobs, and assists employers to find suitable staff.

Specialisations: Casting Agent、Literary Agent

Assists in resolving disputes by advising on workplace relations policies and problems, and representing industrial, commercial, union, employer or other parties in negotiations on rates of pay and conditions of employment.

Specialisations: Industrial Relations Officer、Trade Union Official、Union Organiser

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